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時間: 2014年04月08日 來源: 中美英才班 作者: 美視學(xué)校

       2014年4月4日下午,美視學(xué)校中學(xué)部舉行了初三學(xué)生家長會。UEI總裁Dan Plaut出席了此次家長會,給家長們做了一場精彩的中美英才班介紹會,大學(xué)申請部主任Zoe Zheng為其翻譯。期間,三名UEI學(xué)生依次做了演講,分享她們在中美英才班的學(xué)習(xí)以及生活經(jīng)歷。Mr. Plaut從教學(xué)理念,教學(xué)特色,項目優(yōu)勢等方面向初三學(xué)生家長介紹了美視UEI的中美英才班。家長們對中美英才班表示出極大的興趣,提出了很多問題,Mr.Plaut都對這些問題一一作了解答。家長會結(jié)束時,已有不少學(xué)生家長現(xiàn)場為孩子報名,希望進(jìn)入中美英才班學(xué)習(xí)。 

Apr. 4, 2014 UEI met with Chusan Students’ Parents
Apr. 4th, 2014. On the afternoon of Apr 4, CMIS held a parents meeting for Chusan students. UEI CEO Dan Plaut, University Application Director Zoe Zheng and her team also participated in it. First, Mr. Plaut briefly introduced Sino-US Elite Program. Then, 1 Gaoyi and 2 Gaoer students delivered a speech respectively, sharing their happy learning experiences in the Sino-US Elite Program. Parents were deeply impressed, and they showed great interest this program, asking many related questions. Before the end of the meeting, a few parents had signed up for their sons and daughters.
